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A Message from Father Michael

Dear friends, we’ve learned today that a member of the parish had their email hacked. The same message was sent to one of our St. John's email accounts as well.

The email had following subject line: “When You Have a Moment - Need Some Help” and the message read:

Hey there, Hope you're doing well! I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something when you have a moment.

No worries if not, just thought I'd ask.


When the St. John's parishioner emailed their reply, they received this second note:

Good to read from you. I’m currently traveling to visit a friend who’s unwell, and I need to purchase an Apple gift card. I tried searching online but didn’t have any luck. If it’s convenient for you, would you mind picking one up from a grocery store? I’d be really grateful for your help with this.

Thank you so much in advance!

THIS IS A SCAM, please do not reply! We wanted to alert everyone, so you are not taken advantage of by these online predators.



Becoming God's New Thing

Perceiving and cooperating with the good things

God "is getting up to" in and around our parish.

Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you see it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

A Special Collection this Sunday in response to the Southern California wildfires

Are you looking for a meaningful way to help ease the suffering and anguish of Southern Californians who have lost their homes and loved ones in the wildfires that have raged through the Los Angeles area?

This Sunday, the parish is taking up a collection to help the victims of the most recent wildfires. Your contribution will go directly to those who need it most, by way of Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). ERD staff members are coordinating aid with Bishop John Harvey Taylor and the people and churches of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles.

To magnify the impact of your gift, a family in the parish will match all donations, up to a total of $2,500, effectively doubling your contribution.

Help us reach the full $2,500 match and unlock $5,000 in total giving to help the people of Southern California.

Checks for this collection can be made out to St. John’s Episcopal Church with a notation on the memo line: ERD, or SoCal Fire Relief, or however you wish to indicate that you want your contribution to be dispatched immediately to ERD to meet emergent needs.

Please continue to hold everyone impacted by these terrible fires, and their families, in your prayers, and as part of you daily devotions or as occasions arise during the day, I pray that God stirs you to offer this:

Gracious and loving God, we thank you and bless for this day, and we call to mind all of those who fleeing, and those who are safe; those who battle these fires under the worst possible conditions, and those whom they serve; those who offer help, and those who need it; those measuring incalculable loss, and those already praying for the will to recover and rebuild; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

(The Rt. Rev. John Harvey Taylor)

Thank you, and may God bless you and all those you hold dear.

With love, gratitude and hope,


Becoming God's New Thing

Perceiving and cooperating with the good things

God "is getting up to" in and around our parish.

Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you see it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

Dear Ones,

When we gather to celebrate and receive the Blessed Sacrament, there is much we are doing that we do not and cannot understand. What is paramount is our participation and growing confidence that what we are doing is ultimately important. We have some idea that it matters because it involves us in the way the divine showed up in the person of Jesus, and how the Risen Christ appears for us in the simplicity of bread and wine. 

From our Eucharistic practice, we experience God’s presence in other people, things, and loving actions. Most amazingly, God shows up in the seemingly random confluence of events.

Late last summer, one of our newer members, Grace Vogelzang, met informally with members of the vestry to advocate for a refresh of the Narthex and Marsh Hall. She expressed how these two spaces, while functional, did not reflect or support the depth of warmth and community welcome as she experienced it. She emphasized how we should create an environment encouraging people to gather and share fellowship in a space that lends itself to that kind of hospitality. When this idea began to circulate, we saw the wisdom and need for these improvements. It was clear, however, that we did not have the funds to accomplish it. Concurrently, we were in the midst of an additional stewardship campaign to address a significant budget shortfall.

While there was a willingness to support Grace's vision, those of us who already felt at home in the space could not see what she saw. Marsh Hall and the Narthex worked for us and still worked for many who have been here for decades. Grace, with fresh eyes, saw the potential for something more – a space that more fully reflects and actualizes the welcoming spirit of our community.

Days later, I opened the mail to find an unexpected letter. Inside was a check made out to Saint John's for $72,000 from the estate of Dean and Anne Tibbott, specifically designated for 'facilities enhancements.' Immediately, while we were ready to decline the full project, we who knew the Tibbotts, began to ask ourselves whether this was just an uncanny coincidence? Did this project reflected the essence of Dean and Anne and what mattered to them?

The Tibbotts had a remarkable gift for hospitality, creating welcoming spaces wherever they went – their home, the marina bench their children dedicated to them, and even on our block.

Early in my time at Saint John's, during the pandemic, I got to know Anne and Dean better than other parishioners because they lived on our block and regularly took walks around the neighborhood. Here I was, new to the parish, without any ability to connect with our people. Dean and Ann would see my Triumph motorcycle parked on the sidewalk, knew that I was in there alone. They would ring the doorbell, step well back so I could open the door so we could talk. More often than not, they would have laid a card next to the exterior door for me to take to Susan. These cards, which we have kept, expressed gratitude for our presence at Saint John's and encouragement for Susan not to lose heart about finding work. 

I still hear people in the parish talking about the time the Tibbotts invited them, when they were new, up for an evening cocktail, the warmth of a kind welcome, and the sincere desire to get to know them.

Last week, the Vestry approved using about half of Dean and Anne’s bequest to fund the Marsh Hall and Narthex refresh project. Though some work is underway, we have more to decide and accomplish. You will see carpet and flooring samples as you enter the Narthex tomorrow. I’ve reached out to the Tibbotts' adult children, Neil, Denise, and Steve, to share how a portion of their parents' gift will be used and the basis for the Vestry decisions. I’ve also invited them to think about the timing for a dedication and blessing of these improvements, to remember and honor their parents' memory and to celebrate God’s providence.  

I am sharing this with you because the gift comes at a time when we are finalizing the stewardship campaign. We want to be very clear that these improvements are being paid for from funds designated for this and similar purposes. 

Yes, God does show up in stuff. In events, and people’s desire to make a difference, in the very prosaic matters of paint and flooring tile. And why not?  God created and sustained Saint John’s for a century. We are becoming a community where hope is alive and operative in our city, among our neighbors and not least among and within each one of us.  

May this too be an experience of the fullness of Emmanuel – the God who comes near.

Advent Blessings and Peace, 


© 2025 St. John's Kirkland, All rights reserved.

Our Mission is to be Christ to the world just as Jesus was Christ to those he encountered in his earthly ministry.

This is what it means to be the Body of Christ offering healing and wholeness, reconciliation and liberation to all people making God's reign visible in our world.

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Church Building:
105 State Street S

Kirkland, WA 98033

Office & Mailing Address:

127 State Street S

Kirkland, WA 98033

Map to our main parking lot

(425) 827-3077

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