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Becoming God's New Thing: Sixth Edition

Perceiving and cooperating with the good things God "is getting up to" in and around our parish.

Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you see it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

Discovering and Celebrating Our Musical and Artistic Gifts

Get ready to celebrate! 

Tomorrow's all-parish gathering is a time to celebrate your resilience, perseverance, and creativity in keeping music alive in our worship, even through the challenges of these post-pandemic years. 

Calling Michael Monnikendam as our new Music Director marked a new beginning that opens to us incredible possibilities.  We are not merely bouncing back from a few tough years, we're on the brink of a musical renaissance at Saint John’s that will enrich our worship and lives for years to come!

Here’s what we have planned for tomorrow.  

  1. Coffee Hour presentation in Marsh Hall: I will present a model for change and transition that your Senior Warden, Paula Miller, Jim Besaw, and I learned and practiced during our recent week away at the College for Congregational Development.  This model has been instrumental in guiding my own understanding of the transition that we’ve recently undergone in our music program. Paula, Jim, and I are confident that it will benefit all of us as we revitalize existing ministries and establish new ones.

  2. Michael Monnikendam will give a brief presentation on the impact that music and the arts have had on humanity and its role in our development as human beings and Christians.

  3. Next, we’ll engage in an enlivening, nonverbal (low-risk), and fun exercise for everyone of every age to discover the gifts we have—as individuals and as a community—to enrich our worship. The goal is to have some fun and expand our imaginations about how everyone has gifts to share that can be used in the worship of God in surprising and edifying ways.  

  4. We’ll conclude with a special hymn that looks forward to our future as a thriving faith community.  

And then we’ll enjoy a relaxing and tasty hotdog barbecue. 

I hope you can join in for tomorrow’s gathering. 

Blessings and peace always,  


Postscript:  This will be the "good-enough" post. There will be times when I won't have the benefit of a good copy editor, and I am slightly dyslexic, so I won't likely catch many mistakes. You may find this off-putting. I find it mildly embarrassing. We'll get through it together. M+

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