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Supporting each other through the power outage

Joyful Companions Through Difficult Times


Dear Saint John's Companions,

I hope and pray that you are safe, finding ways to stay warm, and getting your basic needs met.

I'm reaching out this morning to check on those of you who are able to receive emails and to begin organizing support for all who could use a bit of help.

If you receive this and need help with a ride or would welcome a hot shower, a cup of coffee, a warm place to eat, or a place to sleep, please let us know by responding to this email, texting, or calling me at (425) 436-4864. Tell us what we can do to make your current situation more bearable.

If you have power and are able to welcome others to use your shower, share a cup of coffee or tea, or a meal, or provide rides, run errands, or help out in other ways (for example, by helping another figure out their gas fireplace), please also contact us so that we can help facilitate this.

I was able to make a half dozen visits yesterday to women who live alone, and now that I can text again, I've had the chance this morning to get in touch with a few others who live alone. If you are available to make calls or pay a visit to do a safety check on some of our elders who live alone, please indicate that, and we'll facilitate that as well.

Saint John's buildings are still without power and may be for some time. I've heard from people in the neighborhood who contacted PSE about the timetable for restoring power. PSE is reporting that it may not be until Saturday night before we have power restored. I hope and pray that their estimate is overly conservative.

It appears that we are on the edge of the Houghton area's grid, which was severely impacted by fallen trees and power lines.

The image above shows those areas that are still without power on the left and plots where Saint John's members reside on the right. It is not the whole picture, but it is certainly a compelling and accurate image of the magnitude of the power outage and its impact on our people.

Preschool parents were notified early this morning that school is canceled. Thank you, Mrs. Portugal and Mrs. Vincent, for handling that so effectively. What a team we have at the Preschool!

For our part, Susan and I were without power for about 20 hours beginning the evening of the storm until last night. During this time, we were unable to phone, access the internet, or send text messages. Susan had better luck than I in being able to respond to texts, but it was highly unreliable and frustrating.  I can only imagine how difficult it is for you, who are still without power.  

Lastly, thank you to those who reached out yesterday with offers of support and help.  It meant a lot to us and planted the seeds for this email. 

I close with this prayer for the morning from the Book of Common Prayer, page 461. 

 In the Morning

This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.

Grace and peace my dear companions, 



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Our Mission is to be Christ to the world just as Jesus was Christ to those he encountered in his earthly ministry.

This is what it means to be the Body of Christ offering healing and wholeness, reconciliation and liberation to all people making God's reign visible in our world.

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Church Building:
105 State Street S

Kirkland, WA 98033

Office & Mailing Address:

127 State Street S

Kirkland, WA 98033

Map to our main parking lot

(425) 827-3077

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